How To Use Various Automated Pipette Tip

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To a great degree the commonly used grades of automated pipettes tip within the pipette calibration are five in number. These grades of pipettes all have their requirements and guidelines for use, measurement, testing and maintenance to be particular to each of them.

The five grades of pipettes are namely disposable/transfer, multichannel,  graduated/serological, single-channel and repeat pipette.

The method of use of these equipments beginning from transfer pipette dropper, which is the most simple to the improved repeat dispensing pipettor has an influence on the test results' accuracy.

Speedily and without further delay we will consider the operations of several automated pipette tip.

automated pipettes tip

Graduated/Serological Pipette

In making use of this kind of automated pipette tip, obtaining the final volume is done by having the difference of the liquid before and after it has been dispensed, as much as a burette. This technique is the recognized technique when you use a graduated pipette:

  • Get a grip on the pipette in a solution, make no contact with the bottom.
  • With little pressure on the bulb, squeez it and fastening it to the pipette top.
  • With your forefinger have a grip on the top of pipette in order to manage the volume.
  • Remove the amount you want into a beaker you've set aside while your eyes are fixed to make sure your measurement is correct.
  • The measurement of the solution should be taken from the base of the meniscus, a crescent-shape formed by the liquid's surface which is apparent in the pipette.
  • Remove the amount of volume needed from the initial volume and calculate the needed volume to be released so as to get the amount you want.

automated pipettes tip

Single-Channel Pipette

A single-channel pipette is an instrument that cannot be disposed. It is typically an air-displacement design that generates exact measurement result by using a disposable tip.

The standard techniques connected with single-channel pipetting are two in number:

  • Forward Technique: In pipette measurements this is the purposed function and the most general technique. Making use of this technique entails that you have the pluger pressed to the first stop, sink the pipette tip a little into the liquid. Keeping away bubbles  entails aspirating the volume you've measured by slowly releasing the plunger.

For you to supply the liquid, have the tip layed against the receptacles sides. Next you thructh the plunger slowly through the first stop unto the blow out point which is the final as you touch the tip to take off the last drop.

  • Reverse Technique: In situations where you are making of use viscous solutions or solutions liable to bubbles you have the choice of using the technique of reverse pipetting. This way you can remove the air bubbles interfering with your work.

Putting this technique into use, you will have the plunger pushed all through to the third stop position i.e downwards, sinking it a little into the liquid and freeing the plunger slowly all through to the top again. Afterwards, you aspirate the liquid into the tip.

Against the receptacle walls position the pipette tip and having the plunger thructhed to the first stop. Still having your grip on the plunger in its position, from the receptacles take away the tip.

At this point a sample of the liquid is left in the tip, however, it's not included in the measurement. At this point, you can have the aspiration procedure done again and then continue.

automated pipette tip

Contact us for high quality automated pipette tip

With over a decade in the design, manufacture, and supply of high quality automated pipette tip, we have an outstanding reputation in the industry as a leading brand that is quality-oriented.

In case you are considering investing some money in your laboratory through the purchase of premium automated pipette tip, you can contact us for the best deal.


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