Cotaus Company Annual Gala: We're United

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Cotaus Company has recently relocated to a new factory spanning a total area of 62,000 square meters. The first phase of the project includes office spaces, laboratories, production workshops, and warehouses, covering an area of 46,000 square meters. This move signifies a crucial milestone in the company's development, highlighting its commitment to innovation and expansion.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, Cotaus Company organized an annual gala with around 120 employees in attendance. They showcased their talents and passion through captivating dance performances, melodious songs, and entertaining sketches. A lucky draw was also held, ensuring that nearly everyone received a prize. The employees were thrilled about the company's relocation and the growth opportunities it brings. The atmosphere at the event was filled with joy, and everyone had a fantastic time.

The annual gala served as a celebration of the successful conclusion of 2023 and expressed gratitude to the employees for their hard work throughout the year. As New Year's Eve approached, the employees eagerly anticipated a prosperous 2024. They firmly believed that Cotaus Company would continue making strides and achieving greater success. Each individual had dreams and goals and was willing to work diligently to contribute to the company's continued accomplishments.

Following the relocation to the new factory, Cotaus Company plans to install over 100 fully automated production lines and intelligent detection equipment to further expand the factory's production capacity. The office area will cover 5,500 square meters, and a talent apartment building spanning 3,100 square meters will serve as Cotaus' new headquarters. This relocation marks the beginning of an exciting new journey for the company within the new factory. After the move, the company will persist in achieving remarkable milestones and providing high-quality products and services to customers worldwide.

The annual gala of Cotaus Company was an unforgettable event that brought everyone together. It celebrated the conclusion of 2023 while looking forward to a promising 2024. Let us join hands and work together to turn these aspirations into reality!


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